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Partnership Firm Registration
Partnership Firm Registration

Registering a partnership firm is a smart move if you're planning to start a business with one or more partners. A partnership firm is a popular business organization where two or more people come together to carry on a company to make a profit. To register a partnership firm, you'll need to choose a unique name, decide on the capital contribution of each partner, and draft a partnership deed that outlines the rights and responsibilities of each partner. Once registered, a partnership firm enjoys various benefits, including shared management and risk, tax benefits, and easier access to funding. So, start your entrepreneurial journey by registering a partnership firm today!

₹1694 excl. GST

 A partnership is a legal relationship between two or more individuals who have agreed to come together to share the profits of a business. The Indian Partnership Act defines three essential elements that must exist for a partnership to be formed. 
1. First- There must be an agreement between the individuals to develop the partnership. 
2. Second- The agreement must be built around sharing profits obtained from the business. 
3. Third- The company must be run by all or any of the partners acting on behalf of the others.
Only when all three conditions are met can a partnership be considered legally formed.

Essential Elements of a Partnership

If you're considering starting a partnership firm, there are three essential elements you need to keep in mind to ensure your business is legally recognized.

Agreement between Partners- The first element is the agreement between the partners. A partnership firm is a contractual relationship between two or more individuals who agree to carry on a business to earn profits. The contract should be in writing and outline the partnership's terms and conditions, including each partner's rights and responsibilities.

Profit-Sharing-The second element is profit-sharing. Partnerships are formed to share the profits earned from the business. The agreement should clearly state the percentage of profits each partner is entitled to and how the profits will be divided.

Mutual Agency-The third and final element is mutual agency. Mutual agency means that each partner has the authority to act on behalf of the partnership and bind the partnership to any agreements or contracts. This means that any action one partner takes will have legal consequences for all the partners in the firm.

Registering your partnership firm has several benefits, including shared management and risk, tax benefits, and easier access to funding. By ensuring these essential elements are present, you can protect your business and enjoy the benefits of operating a partnership firm. So, start your entrepreneurial journey today by registering your partnership firm

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Types of Partnership

Partnerships are a popular form of business organization, and there are two main types of partnerships to consider:
1. Partnership at Will - This type of partnership is formed when no provision is made by contract between the partners for the duration or determination of their league. In other words, it's an open-ended partnership with no set timeline.
2. Specific or Particular Partnership - A specific or particular partnership is formed for a particular business venture or undertaking, such as building a road or laying a railway line. This type of partnership is dissolved upon completing the task or project for which it was initially formed.
It's essential to understand the type of partnership you're forming and the terms outlined in your partnership agreement to avoid misunderstandings or legal disputes down the line. By choosing the right kind of partnership and having an explicit agreement, you can protect your business and ensure a successful partnership.

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